God has given us a heart for the waiting children in China (there are now over 2000 waiting for a family! Could it be yours?). We (Bryan, Donna & Zach) are adopting a little girl who is 3 from Changsha, China. We have decided to name her Lily. While we are waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the red tape to go through, I decided to start this blog so our friends and family could follow along. We will probably be traveling around April 2011.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord," plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New photos of our Lily!!

We received 2 new pictures of our Lily today!! So excited but bittersweet because she has grown so much since we started this process!  Nevertheless, hopefully we will be meeting her in about 1 month. 

We are finally on our last step and waiting travel approval so we can go get her!  We are hoping to go the 3rd week of June.  Here is her pretty little face! Cant wait to see her.  Please pray for a smooth transition for her as she apparently is being well taken care of and loved by her dear foster parents.

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